1.x version

Directory Structure

The extensions directory has the following structure:

├─[class-fw-extension-{extension-name}.php] # class FW_Extension_{Extension_Name} extends FW_Extension { ... }
├─config.php    # Extension specific configurations (should be described in extension's README.md)
├─static.php    # wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script()
├─posts.php     # register_post_type() and register_taxonomy()
├─hooks.php     # add_filter() and add_action()
├─helpers.php   # Helper functions and classes
├─README.md     # Documentation
├─manifest.php  # Data about extension: version, name, dependencies, etc.
├─options/      # Files containing options
│ ├─posts/      # Files containing post types options
│ │ ├─post.php
│ │ ├─{post-type}.php
│ │ └─...
│ ├─taxonomies/ # Files containing taxonomy tags options
│ │ ├─category.php
│ │ ├─post_tag.php
│ │ ├─{taxonomy}.php
│ │ └─...
│ └-...
│ └─...
│ ├─js/
│ ├─css/
│ └─...
├─includes/ # All .php files are auto included (no need to require_once)
│ ├─other.php
│ └─...
└───[extensions/] # Directory for sub extensions (if has)