1.x version


Options that have no value and contain other options in the options parameter are containers. If an option has the options parameter, it is considered a container.

There are only three types of containers:

  • box - WordPress metabox.
  • tab - one tab (Tabs from same array level will be collected and generated as multiple tabs).
  • group - group options into a wrapper div.

These types are built into the framework and new types of container options can’t be defined. The simplest container option array looks something like this and will generate an empty metabox without title:

$options = array(
        'type'    => 'box',
        'options' => array()

Accepted parameters:

  • title (string) In box and tab this is used as title. In group it’s not used
  • attr (array) HTML attributes


These are all the parameters that the container options supports.

A better customized container option will look like this:

$options = array(
        'type'    => 'box',
        'title'   => __('Container Title', 'fw'),
        'attr'    => array('class' => 'custom-class', 'data-foo' => 'bar'),
        'options' => array(
            'id'  => array( 'type' => 'text' )

This will generate a box with a title and one option in it.


Used in Post Options on the first array level, the box container accepts additional parameters:

  • 'context' => 'normal|advanced|side'
  • 'priority' => 'default|high|core|low'

These parameters are sent to add_meta_box() function.