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Custom Save Location


By default (post, settings, customizer, term and other) options are saved all in one place in database, in a wp_option or any other location. In some cases you need an option to be saved in a separate wp_option or post meta or some custom location in database, for example Mailer settings option-type is saved in one wp_option and the same value is used in all Contact Forms. This custom saving behavior is achieved via the fw-storage option parameter, it has the following structure:

'option_id' => array(
    'type' => 'any-type',

    'fw-storage' => array(
        'type' => 'valid-storage-type',
        // additional parameters of the used storage type

When options are saved and loaded from database all their fw-storage parameters are processed.

Predefined types

Here are some examples with default storage types:

  1. To save an option in a separate wp_option:

    'demo-option-id' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'fw-storage' => array(
            'type' => 'wp-option',
            'wp-option' => 'demo_wp_option',

    Add the above option array in post, settings, customizer or term options, save the form and check the database wp_options table for an option named demo_wp_option.

    Additional parameters can be found here.

  2. To save an option in a separate post meta:

    'demo-option-id' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'fw-storage' => array(
            'type' => 'post-meta',
            'post-meta' => 'demo_post_meta',

    Add the above option array in post options, edit a post and check the database wp_postmeta table for a meta named demo_post_meta.

    Additional parameters can be found here.

Custom Types

It’s possible to register new storage types.

  1. Create your class in a separate file and extend the FW_Option_Storage_Type class.

    Let’s say the file is {theme}/class-fw-option-storage-type-demo.php.

    class FW_Option_Storage_Type_Demo extends FW_Option_Storage_Type {
        public function get_type() {
            return 'demo';
        protected function _load($id, array $option, $value, array $params) {
            if ($param_id = $this->get_parameter_value($id, $option, $params)) {
                // the parameter was specified
                return $this->load_value($param_id);
            } else {
                // do nothing, return the current value
                return $value;
        protected function _save($id, array $option, $value, array $params) {
            if ($param_id = $this->get_parameter_value($id, $option, $params)) {
                $this->save_value($param_id, $value);
                // do not return current value to prevent duplicate and useless memory usage
                // return empty default option-type value
                return fw()->backend->option_type($option['type'])->get_value_from_input(
                    array('type' => $option['type']), null
            } else {
                // do nothing, return the current value
                return $value;
         * Check and extract the identification parameter
         * @param string $id
         * @param array $option
         * @param array $params
         * @return string|bool
        private function get_parameter_value($id, $option, $params) {
            if (isset($option['fw-storage']['demo-id'])) {
                return $option['fw-storage']['demo-id'];
            } else {
                return false;
        private function load_value($param_id) {
            // Load the value from your custom location (a wp_option, a custom table, etc.)
            $value = 'Hello World'; // ...
            return $value;
        private function save_value($param_id, $value) {
            // Save the value to your custom location...


    The class implementation is simplified just to give you an idea of how it works. For a complete implementation inspect the predefined types.

  2. Register your custom type. Add in {theme}/functions.php:

    function _action_theme_custom_fw_storage_types($register) {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) .'/class-fw-option-storage-type-demo.php';
        $register->register(new FW_Option_Storage_Type_Demo());
  3. Use your custom type in any option:

    'some-option-id' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'fw-storage' => array(
            'type' => 'demo', // Must match FW_Option_Storage_Type_Demo::get_type()
            'demo-id' => 'lorem-ipsum', // This is used by FW_Option_Storage_Type_Demo::get_parameter_value()