1.x version

Child Extensions

An extension can have child extensions that are located in extensions/ directory within its own directory. A child extension can be located in the parent theme and child theme on the same relative path. Here are 3 possible cases where an extension can extists and where its child extensions can be placed:

  1. If a hello extension is located in framework, child extensions can be placed in: framework, parent theme and child theme.

    │ ├─framework/
    │ │ └─extensions/
    │ │   └─hello/
    │ │     └─extensions/
    │ │       ├─hello-child/
    │ │       └─...
    │ └─framework-customizations/
    │   └─extensions/
    │     └─hello/
    │       └─extensions/
    │         ├─hello-child/
    │         └─...
  2. If a hello extension is located in parent theme, child extensions can be placed in: parent theme and child theme.

    │ ├─framework/
    │ └─framework-customizations/
    │   └─extensions/
    │     └─hello/
    │       └─extensions/
    │         ├─hello-child/
    │         └─...
  3. If a hello extension is located in child theme, child extensions can be placed only in child theme.

    │ ├─framework/
    │ └─framework-customizations/